How I Interpret Transits (My Case Study) + June 2023 Horoscope
Jun 08, 2023
Happy June!
Eclipse season ended on May 19th, but I feel like I’ve fully landed on the other side of the eclipses just in the past couple days. The 6 week eclipse window is a time for major life choices, ending one chapter of life, and beginning another. For me it has involved a sudden move to Mexico to stay for a while near a beautiful sacred site. Several synchronicities and intuition lead me here, and it’s been amazing, but also very much a practice of ishvari pranidhana (surrender to god / universe / source.)
I want to share about this and use my own chart as a case study, because it’s fascinating to see the patterns so clearly play out. While my decision was made mostly by intuition, astrology helped validate that I’m on the right track and removed any sort of hesitation or anxiety about the decision, which feels much better!
These are similar to the predictions I make with clients in 1-1 readings. These ones can apply anytime you have the transits I name (Ex; Ketu over your second house, which Libra risings and moons will have in November). These interpretations also apply right now for anyone else who has Virgo Rising / Gemini Moon or Virgo Moon / Gemini Rising.
- Ketu in Libra transiting over my 2nd & 5th houses: misunderstandings (need to improve my spanish!), communicating in a foreign language, being far removed from home country, material losses for major spiritual gains (I let go of a lot of many possessions to be able to travel more easily).
- Saturn in Aquarius transiting over my 6th and 9th houses:
Travel can lead to greater spiritual growth and grounding, but there are unique obstacles to overcome to create stability (being in a new country, no ATMs, very hot weather and rocky hikes to the sacred sites, etc), a good time to find a unique approach to creating financial security (This month I’m launching the Wealth Rising app. I’ve been improving it to greatly improve my own finances, and will be teaching (Saturn) others how to do the same
- Rahu & Jupiter in Aries in 8th and 11th houses: Unexpected help fro people far away and new foreign friends (I’ve already made 3 new close friends here!), massive sudden change involving opportunities new and foreign (after several synchronicities I decided to go to a small town in Mexico despite not knowing anyone or anything there, but trusted the call to go, and I immediately made a great friend and I’m feeling totally supported by the universe and the people here.), a great time to explore the unknown (new city, but also doing great new astrology research and having insights I’ll be using in future readings and with my Year 2 Mentorship students.)
- These are just some of the major things, and there are many more. This all is incredibly helpful, but even as a professional astrologer, I still say that astrology is second to intuition. Astrology can help you live more in alignment and have a clearer intuition, but it can never replace your intuition. As I’ve been making major decisions recently I tune into what feels true and in alignment, then check my astrology for validation and to see if the current and upcoming transits are auspicious or inauspicious for what i’m sensing. It’s somewhat like when you know you want to go out to eat. You might not know exactly which restaurant, so you search the area to see what’s nearby, then choose the option that feels best. Astrology shows you what options are nearby, but you always get to choose where you want to go. Still, there could be construction, closures, the food you want is sold out, etc, or it could be the best meal of your life. Or you could decide to stay in. Sometimes there’s too many options. So whatever choice you have to make next in life; look for synchronicities. Keep your intuition clear with diet, exercise and lifestyle. Consult your astrology for spiritual guidance. Stay on top of your finances to make sure it makes sense materially (more on that soon!) Share with people close to you because we’re social beings and gain so much perspective through relationships. Or, if you truly feel called towards something, you can just leap and trust that the net will appear, even if it doesn’t make sense right now. I’ve done this many times in my life and can say I’m so grateful for each time I’ve done that.
I hope you found this personal case study helpful. Would you like me to do more of these with myself and/or clients? Click reply to let me know!
In this podcast I share the 10 major transits for June 2023:
Listen to hear all about them on the new Quietmind Astrology Podcast (audio player above)
To get the full list of transits and interpretations in your inbox. Click the "Freebies" link to signup for free weekly horoscopes.
Much love from Oaxaca, Mexico!
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