Become Your Own Astrologer

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Become Your Own Astrologer



In This Workshop You'll Learn How To:

  • Read Your Own Vedic Birth Chart: Vedic Astrology is one of the most empowering skills you can learn, but it can also seem super complicated and overwhelming. In this live workshop, I'll guide you through 7 simple steps to Become Your Own Vedic Astrologer. You'll learn how to read the signs, planets and houses in your chart, how to interpret them, and how to test your predictions to make sure they're accurate.
  • Make Accurate Predictions: Should you take this job or that job? Date this person or that person? Move here or there? Life is full of decisions, so making clear, aligned decisions might be the most important skill you can cultivate. Astrology shows you the timeline of events, the potential energies at play, and how to best work with them. I'll show how to uncover these patterns so you can make accurate predictions and choices about what's coming up in your life.
  • Avoid The Most Common Mistakes: There are so many things you could learn about astrology, it can be overwhelming. I'll share the most common mistakes people make and how you can avoid them. This will save you years of confusion and frustration going down random rabbit holes, and help you focus on what's most important to know to be your own astrologer.


"I've been wanting to explore Astrology for a long time and wasn't having much luck, going down lots of "rabbit holes." I'm so glad I made the commitment to myself to join this! It makes so much more sense. Jeremy is a great teacher.
"Such great information & more than expected. Thanks for answering so many questions. This helped me learn a lot!"
 "Amazing workshop. Jeremy is a great mentor. I'm learning a lot from you. Thank you so much."

About Jeremy

  • Many years ago, I was looking for something like this workshop. My challenging childhood made me want to understand myself and others better. This led me to my first astrology mentor. I sat in awe, hearing all my challenges and all my strengths. I felt validated and supported. As hard as things were, there was a purpose to it all. But how did he see it? And how could I see it? I wanted to learn as much as possible about Vedic Astrology!
    Many years and thousands of case studies later, I'm grateful to share Vedic Astrology with thousands of students each week. My intention with this workshop is to save you years of frustration and confusion trying to figure it out on your own, so you can start reading your own birth chart and thrive in all areas of your life.
©2024 Quietmind Astrology